The original recordings

The original recordings


$ 89,000 (Iva incluido) En stock
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1 pretty vacant 3:18
2 god save the queen 3:19
3 bodies 3:03
4 no feelings 2:51
5 i wanna be me 3:04
6 anarchy in the uk 3:32
7 submission 4:13
8 no fun 6:23
9 (i’m not your) stepping stone 3:07
10 holidays in the sun 3:23
11 new york 3:04
12 problems 4:11
13 lonely boy 3:02
14 silly thing 2:52
15 something else 2:10
16 c'mon everybody 1:55
17 satellite 3:59
18 did you no wrong 3:11
19 substitute 3:03
20 my way 4:05

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