Star wars: the empire strikes back remastered
(Iva incluido)
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- Compositor:JOHN WILLIAMS
- artista:john williams
- genero:musicabanda sonora
- formato:2lp
- proveedor:universal
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a1 star wars (main theme) 5:49
a2 yoda's theme 3:24
a3 the training of a jedi knight 3:17
a4 the heroics of luke and han 6:18
b1 the imperial march (darth vader's theme) 2:59
b2 departure of boba fett 3:30
b3 han solo and the princess 3:25
b4 hyperspace 4:02
b5 the battle in the snow 3:48
c1 the asteroid field 4:10
c2 the city in the clouds 6:29
c3 rebels at bay 5:23
c4 yoda and the force 4:01
d1 the duel 4:07
d2 the magic tree 3:32
d3 lando's palace 3:52
d4 finale 6:28
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- Para compras superiores a $150.000 pesos.
- Entrega de 2 a 3 días hábiles.
- Entrega de 2 a 5 días hábiles.
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- Lideres en el mercado con mas de 30 años en la industria.
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